Firstly you must be clear that what type of app you want to develop , a Android App, A Iphone App, A web App (Website).
For Web App (Website) : To develop Web App there are 2 major layers, one is Front End Layer and other one is Back End Layer. Front End Layer is responsible for creating UI Design and handling client side validations and Back End Layer is responsible for all Database interaction, handling business logic.
For Front End Layer you need to learn HTML CSS for designing, JavaScript or JQuery or Angular JS and many other for Client side handling, dynamic designing and interaction with Back End Layer.
For Back End Layer you need to learn any one of these languages from Java, Microsoft .Net, PHP. And for database you can use MySQL or Oracle or PostgreSql as per your requirement.
But if you are planning to develop complete eCommerce web application from the scratch then it will take a lot of time to develop because its not just a website, it will have a admin panel to control all functionality and data uploading, a website to do client side functionality, inventory management to maintain inventory, payment gateway integration.
Instead of creating from scratch, you can use pre build frameworks developed on PHP for free of cost. These frameworks will give you easy way to setup an eCommerce web application with admin panel, inventory management, forecasting etc. You just need to download their framework and have to install in your PHP hosting and that its. You are good to go. These framework are like woocomerce, opencart, prestashop.
Why we use web apps created from scratch? Because those apps are customized as per you need and doesn’t have any extra or less feature as per you need. The management and data security is much higher. Traffic management is also very good. But for small level these free framework are good to go.
For Android App : For Android Application development you can go with Hybrid application as well as native application. Native application was developed on Java Platform. So for Native app development you need to learn Java (Core is enough). And for hybrid application you need to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and 1 or 2 mobile scripting languages.
Which one is better? If you want to develop one and want to deploy on all mobile devices then go with Hybrid Application. Because in Hybrid applications you just need to develop a application once and you can deploy that application on Android, iphone and Windows Phone. Cost and Time of Development is less as compare to Native Application. For native application you can use framework like PhoneGap
For Iphone App: For iphone Application development you can go with Hybrid application as well as native application. Native application was developed on Objective C or Swift Platform. So for Native app development you need to learn Objective C or Swift Framework of Apple And for hybrid application you need to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and 1 or 2 mobile scripting languages.
Which one is better? If you want to develop one and want to deploy on all mobile devices then go with Hybrid Application. Because in Hybrid applications you just need to develop a application once and you can deploy that application on Android, iphone and Windows Phone. Cost and Time of Development is less as compare to Native Application. For native application you can use framework like PhoneGap
Note : For Android and Iphone Apps you also need a Backend Layer in Java / PHP/ Microsoft .Net with a Database connectivity. And these Backend Layout should have exposed Restful or SOAP Web services. Because with these web services, mobile apps can access data.
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