Salesforce has in built functionality to show price with currency sign and formatting for SObject currency fields. But sometimes we need to show price which is not coming from a SObject field. In that case it will show currency sign and formatting. For this we have to tell the apex output tag that the value which we are using is a currency field so that apex output tag will work accordingly.
For rendering any Decimal field as currency field we have to use apex:outputText with value as “{0,number,currency}” . This will tell the output tag the value which we will show in this outputText should be rendered as number currency. Inside this apex:outputText we have to pass apex:param to set the value which we want to show. I used ‘decimalvalue’ which is a decimal field in my controller.
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, currency}"> <apex:param value="{!decimalValue}" /> </apex:outputText>
Without Using apex:outputText currency format, price will look like : 23.20
With using apex:outputText currency format, price will look like : $23.20
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